How to Bid
Here you'll find detailed instructions on how to bid on an item.

I'm Ready to Bid, What Now?
To start bidding, you'll first need to Register as a  member. Then you're ready to begin. Here's what to do: When you see an item your interested in, click on it for the full description and image.
Once you have found an item you would like to bid on, scroll down on the listing page until you see the bidding section. It will ask for your User Name, Password and the amount of your bid. You can also choose to use a proxy bid. Click on "Review Bid" when you are finished.
Review Bid:
Carefully review the item that you are bidding on and how much you have agreed to pay for it, then click on the "Place Bid" button to finalize your bid. You will immediately see whether you are currently the high bidder. 
After placing the bid:
While you are waiting for the auction to finish (this may take several days), you will receive an automatic e-mail informing you whether you have been outbid by another bidder. Be aware that some bidders wait until the last minutes to place their bids.
Raising your bid:
To raise your bid, go down to the "Place Bid" input box on the item you wish to place your higher bid on (below the item's description) and enter your User Name, Password and your higher bid. Click on "Review Bid" when you are finished. Carefully review the item that you are placing the higher bid on and how much you have agreed to pay for it, then click on the "Place Bid" button to finalize your higher bid. You will immediately see whether you are currently the high bidder. 
Winning the auction:
If you are the highest bidder when the auction ends, you and the seller will receive an automatic e-mail. You must contact the seller within three business days. You are under contract to pay him or her the amount of your bid and any other expenses (if any that were mentioned in the item listing page). The seller is also under contract to send you the item upon payment receipt.
 Definition of Terms:
Proxy Bid:
Proxy bidding is letting our system bid for you automatically. Think of Proxy as someone who watches the auction while your busy doing other things. You activate Proxy by entering the highest amount you are willing to pay for an item in the "Place Bid" box. The system will then bid for you, bidding only enough to make you the high bidder. If someone exceeds that bid, our Proxy places another bid for you and so on up to the maximum amount you've specified. Under no circumstances will Proxy ever bid MORE than you said. The system will send you an e-mail about an outbid and you can give Proxy a few more bucks to play with, if you like. Just enter another Proxy bid amount.
Reserve Bids:
Our system supports Reserve Bid. Some auctions may be ran with Reserve Bid. The reserve price is the lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell their item. The reserve price is never disclosed to bidders. A seller might specify a reserve price if he or she is unsure of the real value of his or her item and would like to reserve the right to refuse to sell the item if the market value is below a certain price. During an auction, an annotation will be displayed in the item information screen if the seller has specified a reserve price.

The seller may specify a reserve bid when they list an item. This price should be above the minimum bid price. If a bidder has authorized a Proxy Bid that is equal to or greater than the reserve bid, then the item will be sold to that bidder at the reserve price at the auction's closing.
Auction Tips For Buyers!
Tips for Buyers:
Get the most out of your bidding experience. Check out the suggestions gathered from other experienced buyers:

1.  Know The Item You Are Bidding On!

  • If a description of an item is unclear, be sure to clarify the description with the seller before you bid. Please also note that it is up to the sellers to select their own payment options and by bidding on an item, you are agreeing to these terms.  It is the bidder's responsibility to make sure that payment terms are clearly understood up front.
  • If you're not sure what an item is worth, do a little research before you decide what you're willing to pay.

2.  Check The Seller's Reputation!

  • The number in parentheses next to a bidder's or seller's User I.D. is that person's feedback rating - a tally of the comments other users have submitted about this seller.
  • To view a sellers or bidders feedback record, just click on the link "view seller's feedback" on the item description page of the item you are interest in placing a bid on. This will automatically bring up the feedback record on the seller of that item. If you want to view the feedback on any auction member, you can do so by visiting the following link: feedback
  • If you have a consumer complaint or need to obtain information on a company, you can visit the, or other state and local consumer agencies.

3.  Proxy Bidding!

  • First, you specify the maximum amount you want to bid. That amount is kept secret and is your proxy bid.
  • The system will bid on your behalf as the auction proceeds, bidding only enough to outbid other bidders.  If someone outbids you, the system immediately increases your bid.
  • This continues until someone exceeds your maximum bid, or the auction ends, or you win the auction!
  • Plus your proxy will never exceed what you're willing to pay for the item.
  • Proxy bidding is also available for Dutch Auctions.

4.  Make Note Of Auction Details!

  • Be sure to make a note of auction information. That way, you can contact the seller right away to complete the transaction if you're the high bidder. You'll need:
    • The seller's user ID and email address
    • The auction item number
    • The item description
    • And the time, date and price you bid on the item

5.  Protect Yourself

  • Make sure the item you are bidding can be lawfully purchased in your area. The Consumer Product Safety Commission occasionally bans sales of goods that may be dangerous to consumers.
  • Remember, we are only a venue and we do not guarantee the ability of a seller to complete the transaction or the quality of the items.
  • If you feel at all unsure about a transaction, ask the seller to use escrow for the payment.
  • Escrow Overview - What is Escrow? Escrow is when a buyer places money in the custody of a trusted third party. The money is then paid to the seller once a specified set of conditions are met. How does it...
  • Negotiate escrow terms with the seller before you place a bid.
  • Consider paying by credit card. Many cards offer insurance or reimbursement for transactions over $50.00.

7.  Be Courteous to Other Users

  • Treat everyone with the courtesy you expect to receive.
  • When you send an email, take the time to write in complete sentences, with a salutation and closing. Those little touches make all the difference!
Terms & Conditions!
Please read and familiarize yourself with our Terms & Conditions which outlines our policies and terms of use.

Placing Bids On Auctions!
To enter a bid on an item for auction, you must first register.  After the registration process is complete, you can place a bid on any item up for auction by following the steps below:
  1. Click on the link to the item you are interested in placing a bid on.  This should bring up the item description page for the item.
  2. Before entering your bid, take a brief moment to review the seller feedback record.  
  3. After reviewing the seller's feedback record, click on the "Bid Icon" located to the left of your screen.  This should take you directly to the bidding section of the item.
  4. After arriving, enter your User Name, Password, Quantity you are bidding on if dutch auction and your bid amount.
  5. When done, click the "Review Bid" button to review the bid you just submitted.  If all is OK, submit your bid.
The binding contract of the auction is between the winning bidder and the seller.

Please bid carefully! Once you make and confirm a bid, you can't withdraw it unless:

  • The seller materially changes the description of the item after your bid
  • The amount of your bid was clearly a typographical error
  • Other exceptional circumstances; however, you can't back out because you decided to bid on another item, decided you couldn't really afford it, or changed your mind.
Please note that it is up to the sellers to select their own payment options and by bidding on an item, you are agreeing to these terms. It is the bidder's responsibility to make sure that payment terms are clearly understood up front.


The Different Types Of Auctions!
Reserve Price Auctions:
A reserve price is set by a seller who will not sell below a certain price.
  • Bidders know there's a reserve price, but they do not know what it is.
  • In order to win the auction, a bidder must meet or exceed the reserve price and have the highest bid.

  • If no bidders meet the reserve price, neither the seller nor the high bidder are under any further obligation.

  • You can't use reserve prices for Dutch Auctions.

Dutch Auctions:
This fast-paced, free-for-all format is perfect if you have multiple, identical items to sell.
  • Sellers start by listing a minimum price, or starting bid, and the number of items for sale.
  • Bidders specify both a bid price and the quantity they want to buy.
  • All winning bidders pay the same price—which is the lowest successful bid. That might be less than what you bid!
  • If there are more buyers than items, the earliest successful bids get the goods.
  • Higher bidders get the quantities they've asked for.
  • Bidders can refuse partial quantities.
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