Residential (Subscribe)
Texas Hill Country Homes - Fredericksburg, Texas
Click on the appropriate button for homes, acreage, commercial and Bed & Breakfast opportunities available in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County through CC HERBER CO., REAL ESTATE. Give us a call for more information on these and/or many other listings not featured. We can provide you with all the information available through the Gillespie County Board of Realtors, Inc., Multiple Listing System and, additionally, any listings information in the Texas Hill Country area.
Texas Proud Real Estate Residential Listings - Canyon Lake, Texas
If you can give us specific things you are looking for in a home (location, price, number of bedrooms, amenities, etc...)chances are that we can find you exactly what you are looking for. Texas Proud Real Estate uses the MLS sytems for New Braunfels-Canyon Lake, as well as San Antonio. We can just about find anything to fit the bill.
Texas Real Estate
Texas Real Estate - Southlake houses, Colleyville property, Grapevine homes, HEB property, and DFW area
The Real Estate Firm - La Porte, Texas
Welcome to La Porte, TX - the perfect place to raise a family, build a career and enjoy life. Bookmark this site for up-to-date La Porte real estate information, news, shopping and more! Serving La Porte, Pasadena, and Deer Park home buyers and sellers...
Tyler Texas Real Estate - Tyler, Texas
Search the Tyler MLS with MSN Home Advisor, the Internet's most complete guide for finding homes on the web! If you find a home that interests you, give me a call at 1-800-705-5225. I can help you with any home in the Tyler area!
United Country/Cason Real Estate -- Mineral Wells, Texas
Texas Real Estate - Farms, Ranches, Land, Homes and Rural Properties.
US Best Homes is the site where you can find the best homes in Texas!!!
US Best Homes can help you with much more than just homes. Licensed to sell residential, commercial, investment and other properties including land. Mostly serving the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex.
Waco Area Real Estate Resource
The complete resource for home buying or selling in the Waco area. A better choice for information on real estate in the Waco area.
Welcome to Keller Williams Realty
Keller Williams Realty - Serving Houston, Pearland and surrounding Areas
Welcome To MidTex - Midland/Odessa, Texas
Why choose us? Because we take our job very seriously. Buying or Selling a home is not something that you want to make a mistake with. You need a professional that knows what is happening in the marketplace. We pride ourselves as being the best in our industry, we look forward to having you as one of our valued customers.