Seller Fees
There are no charges in browsing, viewing, making offers, or listing items. The only charges that are made are any of the auction enhancements a seller can choose to receive.

No Listing Fees

There are no Item Listing Fees.

No Final Value Fees

There are no Final Value Fees.

Additional Listing Options

You can choose to make your listing stand out from the rest by choosing to list with any combination of 8 types of auction enhancements. They are Full Featured Item auction, Category Featured auction, Picture Gallery, Bold Title, Highlighted Item Backgorund, Attention Grabber Icons, and Image Hosting/Uploading.

Additional Listing Options

Option Fee

Featured on Home Page
Featured on the Homepage and Categories!


Category Featured Item


Picture Gallery


Bold Item Listing


Highlighted Item Background $0.75
Attention Grabber Icon $0.50

Image Hosting/Upload
Up to 4 Images!


Page View Counter


Seller Fees Comparison

Below you will find our seller fees comparison chart of eBay, uBid, Yahoo Auctions, and of course us.

Yahoo Auctions
  1. Listing Fee
  2. Closing Percentage
  3. Reserve Price
  4. Home Page Featured
  5. Featured Item
  6. Highlight
  7. Bold Title
  8. Gallery
  9. Buy It Now
  1. None, FREE!
  2. None, FREE!
  3. None, FREE!
  4. $5.00
  5. $1.50
  6. $0.75
  7. $0.50
  8. $0.25
  9. None, FREE!
  1. $0.30 - $3.30
  2. 5.25% +
  3. $0.50 - $2.00
  4. $99.95
  5. $19.95
  6. $5.00
  7. $2.00
  8. $0.25 +
  9. $0.05
  1. $0.05 - $0.75
  2. 5% +
  3. $0.50
  4. N/A
  5. N/A
  6. N/A
  7. N/A
  8. N/A
  9. N/A
  1. $0.05 - $0.75
  2. 2% +
  3. $0.40 - $0.75
  4. Prices vary
  5. $0.10 / day
  6. $1.00
  7. N/A
  8. N/A
  9. N/A

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